29.09.2017, plkst. 14:15 210. telpā notiks projekta seminārs.

Semināra plāns:

1. Plānota webAppOS arhitektūra (von Neumann architecture for the web) un kā to visu palaist mākonī.

2. OWLGrEd/web; desktop OWLGrEd drošības caurums, ko izraisa plugin mehānisms.

3. OWLGrEd un Datu Galaktiku rīku nākotne (pēc 2-3 gadiem).


Par topošo webAppOS:

"WebAppOS is an infrastructure for developing and running web applications. It defines a set of APIs that provide a seamless access to computation and memory resources for both the server-side and client-side code. Thus, web applications can be developed like traditional desktop applications assuming single PC as a target.

  • WebAppOS provides web-based RAM analog that is shared between the client and the server.
  • WebAppOS defines the concept of web-processor - a CPU analog for executing server-side code.
  • ·         WebAppOS is able to mount cloud drives and to access web-processors running in the cloud."